Twisted Turf
The main objective of this project was to place a full size playing field at the top of a tall building so that it could look out over Milwaukee, and become an iconic part of the skyline in doing so. However, it was important that the field be oriented in such a way that it be versatile enough to accommodate a variety of sports and activities. The best common orientation for multi-purpose fields, determined by the Department of Sports and Recreations, is 15° East of North.
Therefore, the top floor, the floor with the playing field, is rotated to this orientation. Then, each sequential floor is rotated 15 degrees from the one above, and shrinks, giving the building its unique form. The playing field itself is an artificial, layered system comprised of woven fibers, significantly more durable than natural grass, placed on top of pervious concrete planks which allow for adequate drainage. Thus, the turf design is beneficial for both the athletes and the building; premiere playing surface and responsible water collection.
However, monolithic concrete columns were introduced to combat large spans and cantilevers resulting from the building’s significantly larger top than base. The columns also shrink and rotate similarly to the floor plates they occupy. The columns are large enough to house modes of circulation and a variety of programmatic elements. The repeatability of the elements that make up the columns allows for efficient and economical production.
The mass is wrapped in a glass skin supported by a system of mullions which gives precedence and view to the concrete columns. While the main programmatic goal of the project was to place a full size playing field at the top of a tall building with supporting fitness center elements in the immediate floors below, the rest of the building is imagined to have the ability to accommodate a variety of mixed uses. Therefore, providing full views to the building’s interior would (ideally) lure the public, especially those arriving in Milwaukee from the Intermodal Station situated directly across the street from the site.